Wednesday, October 19, 2005

houston, we have a pennant!

we did it! we FINALLY did it!! i can't BEE-lieve we pulled it off! i gotta say, tonite's game wasn't as exciting as monday nite's game. we weren't on the edge of our seats like we were the other nite. and j-smooth sure as hell didn't order any victory shots before the game was over. we all jumped on his ass about that one.

we were pretty excited about the sox last year, too. we have a friend from boston. lovingly known as Boston. he is a MAJOR patriots/sox fan. i liked the patriots before i met him. not so much the sox. but his energy and his intensity while watching the game just made you get into it. my buddy, Megan, is also from boston. we all hung out together and had a blast watching the games... both patriots football and sox baseball. sox went all the way last year and we're carrying Boston's spirit over this year.

good luck to the ASTROS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow that might have been the 4th game you watched all season...way to be there.