Friday, February 27, 2009

lovin' my birthday prezzies!

lovin my bday pressies

the ipod classic from HM. the speaker thingy from S1. LOVE!

Dear Baby Will,

please come out and play. I know you’re comfy and warm, but Momma wants to hold you in her arms and not her cootch. Love, Michelle
Loonachic, via txt message

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baby Will's room

it needs a rug. S1, be on the lookout for one.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i'm still here

in baby news: we're still baby-less. no baby yet. he ain't comin'. i have another appt on Monday.

in other news: SBW came over to snap a few pics of my pregger belly. some of them came out really nice. good silhouettes in black & white.

in rodeo news: my husband is mean. he won't take me to the cook-off to see Cowboy Mouth, even though he can get free tickets. i already missed their show on Tuesday. he doesn't understand that all the movement will probably help the baby come out! maybe he'll be a nice husband and make it up to me with crawfish.

in shower news: all showers are over and done with and thank-you's have been sent out. all except for the ones i don't have addresses for and am waiting on S1 for those!!!!! but it feels good to have the other ones mailed out already. whew!

for now, we're still in "wait" mode. i'll let 'cha know as soon as something happens.

Friday, February 20, 2009

wer really need to plant some trees in the back yard

happy mardi gras!

clockwise order... somewhat:

1. Pollie & Manny
2. SBW
3. BA
4. HM & Manny "doin' the butt"
5. Pollie
6. BA
7. Me & HM
8. Aly & frendz
9. sexiest man alive!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

shower pics

1. Woz
2. Pollie & Manny
3. Baby Leah
4. Pollie, Addie & Frisky
5. opening gifts
6. Me, HM, and Baby Will
7. Mardi Gras parade!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

fear factor

soooooo, call me crazy but i'm a little scared that we waited so long to have a kid, we're all set in our ways, our routines, our schedules, that we're going to forget the kid somewhere. maybe at home, maybe in the car, i don't know. it just scares the bejeezus out of me!!

HM says we'll be fine and if we leave the baby at home, the dogs will take care of him. not all that comforting. he says if he leaves the baby any where, it'll probably be on top of the car... still not any more comforting.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

doc appt - 38 wks 4 days

well, crack doc didn't have a whole lot to say different. i'm still not dilated, i'm still not effaced, and the baby is definitely going beyond his due date. inducing now will only cause fetal distress and a possible emergency C-section. don't want that.

crack doc did get a kick out of me asking how soon i should call/come in after i started labor. DUDE! THIS IS MY FIRST KID!! like i know this info?!?!?

Baby Will is now over 7 lbs. i have another appt next Monday in which we'll talk about "how long after the due date do i want to wait before inducing?". i don't know. like i said, this is my first kid.

Monday, February 16, 2009

weekend update/recap

friday - don't remember doing much of anything except LAUNDRY!! and i can't even do that, right! HM has to get the clothes out of the washer for me because i physically can not. so that's all i did; laundry and baby stuff.

saturday - all day lamaze class. HM loved it. NOT. i'm glad we went, tho. there were some good points and honestly, there were only two women in there that were not planning on being drugged during the whole process. and good gawd, man, those are the scary ones.

we scored a changing table and some baby boy clothes from one of the other classmates. that was nice. it's missing the bottom shelf but i think HM can fix it somehow or find something to fix it so it's more sturdy and i have extra storage for diapers and what not. he's handy like that. he can do it.

if you're wondering, we did celebrate a little bit of Valentine's. we had lunch at Pappasito's and chocolate covered strawberries. i paid. cuz i love my honey like that.

saturday nite - like idiots, we drove through the rain to get to Mardi Gras... me, HM, and BA. cuz, you know, what is Mardi Gras if we don't take BA?? it wasn't raining when we got there, thankfully. we had a good time at the parade with Pollie and Manny. and i held the cutest little 3-year old. he was so precious. he was scared shitless from all the noise and crowd, but precious none the less. he lay on me, shivering. poor thing. i like to think that i helped calm him down a little. he wasn't shaking as much when i gave him back to his mom.

after the parade, we headed downtown. i wanted to see everybody... and i wanted everybody to see me! how often do you get to see a pregnant Sweet T??? uh...never. we made our rounds down The Strand and up The Post, stopped for sushi on the way and ended up passing out at SBW's. yeah, i passed out, too. not from drinking, but from walking and all the excitement of being down there and seeing every one. it was really awesome. i miss the island.

sunday - S1 and Princess came over to help me put things where they belong. we put the mobile together and S1 hung things on the wall and put one of the baby's swing things together. or bouncy chair thing, whatever. we divided up what needed to go back, what needed to stay, what needs to go in what car and how many of what to keep. we literally did have about seven first aid kit thingy's. i still have clothes to go through from what the lady in class gave me, but that can wait a few days.

until next time, i'm sweet t and you're not. have a nice flight.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

to drug or not to drug....that is the question

so last nite, i went to my breast feeding class. which i'm grateful i went to, because now i feel so much better about breastfeeding and i'm confident i can handle it. however, i do not feel so good about wanting the drugs, during labor, now.

the lady teaching the class said they don't do the spinal anymore and only the epidural (with who knows what kind of cocktail of drugs they put in that). studies show babies are slower to latch on, after delivery, when medicated during labor. is this bad? it sounds like it is. i have no clue, it's my first kid. Mamalane says the lady teaching was just "one of those natural birth loonies" and not to worry about it.

i mean, i am having a boy. he is his daddy's son. and if he's anything like his daddy, i shouldn't have any problems. TMI?

phone chats

Princess: what are you doing?

me: i'm in a class

P: what kind o' class?

me: a breast feeding class

P: ewwww, gross!!

me: well, you asked

P: my mom said it hurt. her nipples were bleeding and cracked.

me: but I'M gross?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

on this day

39 years ago, at 9:42 pm, i was brought into this world.

you may call and wish me a happy birthday now. =)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

dr appt - 38 weeks

i just wanna say, whatever that man is smoking before our appts... i want some of it when i go into labor!! just sayin! we're back to, "going full term". Baby Will's just not ready. he's very comfy. and why wouldn't he be? all rollin' up on my utero like he is. i'm sure there are a lot of soft spots down there for him.

my doc says he'd like to see me get more rest and get my feet up more. i wanted to ask if he was going to come over and do all the baby's laundry. i! am! busy! man! we've got two weeks til the actual due date and still stuff needs to be done. i need to pack my bag. i need to get his clothes washed. i need to put songs on the ipod... you know, for focus and all during delivery. i gotta charge all the cameras AGAIN. i want to make sure we have everything ready for his homecoming.

speaking of packing, i can't find the big granny panties i just bought for the hospital stay. damn. i really need to find those.

Monday, February 09, 2009

weekend update/recap

OMG! another busy weekend.

friday - i went to work. Woz and Addie were at the house prepping for the next day shower. scaring me a little bit. Frisky and BA showed up later to do their parts. there were decorations going up and roux cooking on the stove. everything was falling into place. i tried to stay up and rally but seriously, i was in bed around 10:00.

saturday - SHOWER DAY!! YAY!! got up early. more prepping. charged up all batteries for all cameras. took a nap. got up to get pretty for the party. i will have pictures and video for you soon. it's all on the cameras and i haven't plugged in my laptop this week.

it was a fun shower! about 20-25 people were there. good food! we Baby Will got all kinds of good stuff, including the stroller/car seat/lock in thingy from the hosts of the shower! awesome! we also received about seven or eight first aid kits among all the showers together. i'm guessing our friends and family know us pretty well. none of them will go back. we'll have one in each bathroom, both cars, his room, our room, kitchen and living room!

our friends could not have done more for us. it was an awesome shower with awesome food and awesome decorations and awesome people. did i mention how awesome it was?

sunday - Woz and Addie wanted to take me out to a breakfast brunch. they had a really nice thing planned at Bailey's, but me being the ruiner i am, chose to eat at a lower key place so we could sit outside and enjoy the day. it was a really gorgeous day!

afterwards, we all plopped ourselves on a sofa and watched Max Payne and Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Max Payne i could have done without, but how can you not watch a Marky Mark movie??? N&N, very cute. funny moments. Michael Cera is always a favorite. i liked it.

after everyone left, i think we ended up going to bed around 7:00. we're lame, i know. it was a busy weekend. crazy weekend. people in and out of the house all weekend. it was time for sleep. well, what little sleep we could get with all the snoring and the waking up.

until next time, i'm sweet t and you're not.

P.S. Happy Birthday to the Stepmonster! i'm sure you're having a better time in Vegas than i'm gonna have at my Breast Feeding class on my birthday!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

no sleep

we're running on zero sleep these days. i'm not sleeping because the unborn child pushing down on my utero is causing me to wake up every 5 minutes! and HM's not getting any sleep cuz our mattress is so squeaky, he hears me every time i get up. that, or one of us is snoring keeping the other one up.

so here are some things that are going on:

in office news: i think it's really sweet that every morning my boss asks me how i'm feeling. and he actually waits for me to answer. like he's really interested.

in other news: my arms look like the michelin man's. all fat and rolly. ew.

in better news: the frendz shower is this weekend. Addie and Woz are coming in tonite and they're setting everything up and cooking tomorrow. Woz is making a king cake. BA is making crawfish etouffee, shrimp etouffee and crawfish pie. Addie and Frisky are decorating. well, they're following Woz's orders on how/where to decorate. i'm so excited!! it's gonna be really cool.

in baby news: the dresser came in. i'll be picking that up today. everything is falling into place. his room is coming together nicely. i wish we could get a day bed for his room, tho. cuz if i know Mamalane (and i think i do), she won't care if there's a bed or not. the woman will sleep on the floor just to be near that baby! we'll see what the budget can handle. it may be just a queen blow up for a while.

in completely totally unrelated news: my internetz frendz got their own show on MTV! set your dvr's for the College Humor Show, Sunday nite, 8:30pm Central. MTV is touting it as a reality show but i assure you, it's all scripted. the New York Times even gave it a good read! Sam Reich, director of original content, came from Vimeo. a user with a comedy troupe of three, called Dutch West. since CH and Vimeo are in the same offices, he got noticed. and now look what he's doing. how cool is that?
these guys are really funny! you should check it out.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

my frendz!

aaonvimeo: how's your belly

islebehere: BIG!

islebehere: my doctor's on crack

aaonvimeo: what do you mean

islebehere: first, it was "let's induce". then, it was "you're going full term". now, it's "i give you another week before you pop"

aaonvimeo: hahha

aaonvimeo: these decisions aren't easy for docs i bet

islebehere: not when they're smokin' a bowl before coming into my appt

aaonvimeo: hahaha

aaonvimeo: that would be awesome

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

don't let me down

Baby Will's really diggin' this cover of the Beatles tune, Don't Let Me Down. it's a good one... from the Across The Universe soundtrack. i really need to watch that movie again.

Dont Let Me Down - Dana Fuchs

dr appt - 36 weeks 5 days

i seriously do not think this man even looks at the charts before he comes in. or maybe he does, and he's just weird like that. anyhoo, now, unlike last week when i was going FULL TERM BAYBEE, he says Baby Will is in ready position. he tells me he will not go into breech position at this point and i’ve had a really great pregnancy thus far. i'd have to agree.

i’m not dilated and my cervix isn’t ready (?) but he said he gives me another week to pop this puppy out. i’m not due for another three. also, he’d like to see some contractions first.

HM's ecstatic at the thot that he won't have to sit thru an all day lamaze class. i don't even think he cares that we already paid for it and may not get a refund. he just doesn't wanna go. i'll tell you what, if he doesn't want to go to class, he best be readin' up on how to make momma comfortable in delivery!!! i'm talkin' massages and all!!!!

Monday, February 02, 2009

weekend update/recap

friday - finished making "thank you" labels for the soaps i made. CUTE! if i do say so myself. also, got together the hostess thank you's for everybody giving the shower. big hit. i think. unless they were faking, i think everybody liked it.

saturday - SHOWER DAY!! YAAAYYYYYY!!! OMG! Baby Will got so much stuff!! Nana and Felix got the activity walker we wanted and Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy got him a pedal car fire truck. BOTH very cool! Aunt S1 got him a monkey easter basket filled with goodies and Aunt S2 gave him a basket full of stuff!! this baby has clothes out the ying-yang!! i never thot about the laundry this little sucker is gonna produce... good gawd, man! i was up taking tags off all sorts of things that needed washing. ugh.

sunday - got up, at 5am, for the 8th annual WUWU. another rider from the team has taken it over this year. she's turned it into a fundraiser for rescued dogs. for being the first year she did it, she did pretty good. there weren't as many riders this year what with it being rainy and superbowl day and all, but it was still a very good turnout. she made her goal and that was good.

met the family for brunch. ALL the family! i really like it when everybody's in town and we all meet for breakfast. it's cool. note: do not let GG pick the place we eat next time.

afterwards, i headed out to Babies-R-Us and got Baby Will a mattress and ordered his chest of drawers. all those clothes are gonna need a home! HM stayed home and cleaned out the "star wars" closet. it was the baby's closet. he also took all his tools and paint stuff out of the armoire so i could put things in there until the chest comes in (in 7-14 days).

this week will be full of activity as well. we've got to get all of Baby Will's stuff upstairs and get the downstairs clean for the "friend" shower this weekend. did i mention four single peeps are giving us a mardi gras themed baby shower? yeah, that's happening this weekend. it's gonna be coooool.

until next time, i'm sweet t and you're not.