we're running on zero sleep these days. i'm not sleeping because the unborn child pushing down on my utero is causing me to wake up every 5 minutes! and HM's not getting any sleep cuz our mattress is so squeaky, he hears me every time i get up. that, or one of us is snoring keeping the other one up.
so here are some things that are going on:
in office news: i think it's really sweet that every morning my boss asks me how i'm feeling. and he actually waits for me to answer. like he's really interested.
in other news: my arms look like the michelin man's. all fat and rolly. ew.
in better news: the frendz shower is this weekend. Addie and Woz are coming in tonite and they're setting everything up and cooking tomorrow. Woz is making a king cake. BA is making crawfish etouffee, shrimp etouffee and crawfish pie. Addie and Frisky are decorating. well, they're following Woz's orders on how/where to decorate. i'm so excited!! it's gonna be really cool.
in baby news: the dresser came in. i'll be picking that up today. everything is falling into place. his room is coming together nicely. i wish we could get a day bed for his room, tho. cuz if i know Mamalane (and i think i do), she won't care if there's a bed or not. the woman will sleep on the floor just to be near that baby! we'll see what the budget can handle. it may be just a queen blow up for a while.
in completely totally unrelated news: my internetz frendz got their own show on MTV! set your dvr's for the College Humor Show, Sunday nite, 8:30pm Central. MTV is touting it as a reality show but i assure you, it's all scripted. the New York Times even gave it a good read! Sam Reich, director of original content, came from Vimeo. a user with a comedy troupe of three, called Dutch West. since CH and Vimeo are in the same offices, he got noticed. and now look what he's doing. how cool is that? these guys are really funny! you should check it out.
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