friday - so you already know i was going to meet nara out for a walk. i got over there and my prize was a HAMMOCK!! i love hammocks! not only is it a hammock, but it's an all-weather hammock from costa rica! i'm so excited about it! HM said he would cement some posts in the back yard so we can put it up.
when i got home, we went into super clean mode. the moms' were comin' on sunday, ya know.
saturday - went to the gym and afterwards, took my JA fiesta earrings to get cleaned and polished... not even thinking about all the people that would be in there for mother's day. i was thinking, "it's a random saturday. it won't be crowded". HA! it actually didn't take long for my number to be called and when i got up to the counter, the woman looked at me like i was a freak. one, because she probably thot, "why the hell isn't she shopping for her mother?" two, because she looked at the earrings and wondered, "how the hell did she let them get like this?" seriously folks, the earrings were bad! they got to a point that no matter how much i cleaned and polished, they weren't going to look any better. or worse, for that matter.
saturday afternoon, i took some time out to go watch booger play. poor guy had an off day. i don't know what he did before i got there, but i saw him go 0 for 3 at bat and a couple of errors at third. what was funny was that we saw a guy that S1 and i went to high school with. he was amazed that somebody our age already had a kid that age! i guess we're all late bloomers from our generation. S1 just got an early start. it's a good thing, tho. cuz by the time i have kids, they'll be my babysitters.
saturday nite, we went to see the spazmatics. they're an 80's cover band, out of austin, i think. i was pretty excited about going to see them, knowing they might play some of my favorite 80's tunes and take me back to the days of high school and beyond. not so excited when HM asked me where his parachute pants were...? anyways, they totally rocked the house! i hear they're at this bar once a month, so i'm sure we'll be going back to see them. i think it's funny, tho, how there were so many younger people that only know this music by listening to the now "oldies" station on the radio. i was there when it happened, younguns! i knew these songs the FIRST time they came out! it was a fun nite out with woz and HM. i tried to invite my buddy, "travis", but he was out with his son all day. i know he would have totally dug it.
sunday - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all. i took my mom and grandma to the hotel galvez for brunch. oh, and my popo larry, too. it was awesome! full spread of everything you want for brunch. the only thing we missed was the waffle bar and the omelet bar. we thot they just didn't set that up this year. we were wrong. it was off in another room where they had the desserts set up last year! my mom was all upset cuz she didn't get her bacon until after dessert. she wanted that bacon, bad.
in the meantime, HM was at home preparing a late lunch for mamalane and his granna. he made all sorts of good stuff... pork loin, green beans, some kind of potato and the only the best. salad. ever!
we even got to see PB, my newest nephew (to-be). he's so damn cute! he was all 'dora the explorer' at the house - checking everything out, looking around, playing with my super bouncy balls. but, he was actually more amazed by the rain outside than anything else. i kept him occupied while the ladies and papatom enjoyed their meal. i had so much fun with him. it reminded me of how small my booger used to be and how silly i could be with him. these days, the boy barely remembers who i am. unless he's grounded, of course, then it's all good.
good nite. i'm sweet t and you're not.
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