Wednesday, February 08, 2006

double vision

i don't know what the hell is going on or why, but the past two days there's something freaky going on with my vision. i was at work and all of a sudden, everything was blurred. the top right corner of my vision was jagged. it freaked me out and one of my co-workers told me to go see a doctor ASAP! my buddy drove me over and as soon as we got there, it was gone. my vision was clear.

the doc checked me out and told me, physically, there's nothing wrong with me, my eyesight is perfect and that i just had symptoms of a migraine. fair enough. i guess i'd never had one. i've had really bad sinus headaches but not a migraine. no meds. he told me to go home and sleep it off in a dark room. done.

last nite, i went to target. i wanted to get the kids' V-day cards and check out the new flash wristband. i could totally use the wristband, but it'd have to be bigger than 256MB. if they ever have a 1G wristband, i'm all over it! back to my point... at target, i'm looking at cards and it happens again. the blurred vision. only it's in a different spot this time. it's the bottom left and in a triangle shape. i can't read the cards. pretty freaky. so i pay attention to it (doc said if it happened again, go see an opthamologist) but this time i don't get a headache.

i go to work today and i'm talking to the dork... dr dork if you will. he has now diagnosed me with sinus pressure. he says that's why the blurred vision and the headaches. it happened to him a few years back. of course. what hasn't? i was okay all day until the very end. it wasn't as bad as the previous two days, not by a longshot. two minutes as opposed to 30. if it happens again, for a prolonged period of time, i suppose i should see a specialist of some sort. i'm not too jazzed about that one, but i'll do it.

like i'm not already frikkin' stressed enough!?!?!?!?!??


Adrienne said...

you're 36 and falling apart. So is this what is going to happen to me?!?

Sweet T said...

uh... i think your coca-cola lenses already topped the double vision. =)

Steph said...

Hi. Migraine girl here. It is ENTIRELY possible to get the migraine "aura" without the headache itself! Since your vision is okay - if it happens again, I would get a 2nd opinion and... uh... get your head checked. (LOL) They may want to do a CT scan just to make sure nothing else is going on. The upside of that is that you can tell them that you FREAK OUT in enclosed tight spaces and they'll give you some KEWL drugs to chill you out for the process!! ;)

Tsk tsk Addie.. that comment from a person who sees her doc more than she sees ME lately!

Sweet T said...

OH! i was totally disappointed that jackass didn't give me drugs the other day! not even ONE to get me through the day!