Monday, February 13, 2006

weekend update/recap

friday - not much of anything really. i was supposed to clean up or do some laundry or work on the evite. instead, i played all nite. i started watching something… and then saw this website and got hooked. i was looking up all kinds of stuff on old movies from the 80’s. got a little carried away. that was about it.

saturday - got up early to make it to the princess’ basketball game. got plenty of video but of course i wasn’t filming when she had the ball! BIL1 wanted to take me to lunch for my birthday, (of course, this was before he found out S1 already got me a gift) so we went for seafood (not red lobster) where the princess proceeded to eat her weight in crawfish! takes after her aunt sweet t.

crawfish that was left, S1 & booger, BIL1, and the princess self portrait

best presents EVER! C A A A N YOU D I I I I G IT?!?!?
after lunch, i had to do some shipping then headed home. it was a pretty full day already. after naps, HM and i went to see donkeey at the san luis then had birthday dinner at the steakhouse. YUM! we called it an early nite since i had to be up in the morning.
sunday - can i get a WUWU? the fourth annual WUWU was upon us on sunday. i was supposed to be there at 7 but didn’t wake up until 6:30! it’s a good 45 minute to an hour drive from my place. i realized i set the alarm for 5:00pm and not AM! HM got up to make me coffee (god i love him!) and i jumped around to get ready and get out the door in 15 minutes. okay… 20 minutes.
we had such a good time at the WUWU! i got to see my annual friend, cynthia. she is so much fun to hang out with! we're annual friends because this is the only time we ever see each other. we’re on each others rest stop every year. she said she almost left when i didn’t show up early. she loves me.
everything was good with our rest stop except the hack tramp that showed up, solely it seemed, just to piss me off! seriously… this girl gave me nothing but grief! as soon as the ‘eye of the tyger’ called and said they needed corner marshals, i sent her! ugh… i was DONE with her. get lost!
it wasn't all bad, tho. one of the girls from last year totally redeemed herself. last year, whenever we asked her to do something she was scared she might break a nail and try to delegate it to someone else or flat out just not do it. this year, she had the majority of everything setup before i even got there. she and the newest member of my rest stop team, austin. austin will be with me for future WUWU's. that little kid worked his butt off!! he totally rocked. austin, my annual friend and myself were the only non-freaks at my rest stop. we will continue the tradition and next time, not on a lame ass rest stop like THREE! i will be reclaiming rest stop FOUR next year!

pauline & portobello, zak attack, annual friend & me, lil bo & brokeback, and char in the background

random photos of 'the kids of WUWU'

for all photos of the WUWU, click here. also, i will go into much more detail about my gifts, later, cuz i think they are totally cool and deserve more than just a picture posted on a blog. for now, good nite and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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