Sunday, September 18, 2005

weekend update/recap

so, this weekend was pretty busy. not busy in the sense that we ever felt rushed, but busy in the sense that we had something going on all weekend.

friday - i already blogged about. we had dinner, we drank beer, blah blah blah. i worked on fanny pack's resume until after 2 in the morning.

saturday - i finished his cover letter and reference page. finished my laundry... all except for the reds that i left drying.
went to houston and was starving when i got there. HM and i went to this place called Mambo. he and his friends had given it a good review so i wanted to try it out. apparently, the food wasn't as good saturday as it was the last time they went. it was just, "eh".
after Mambo, we took showers and ...

*side note* watching a kit-kat commercial... was this the ONLY gig this girl could get as the American Idol winner?!?!?!?!? geesh

... went to Mia Bellas to see Ryan B (Sir Ryan). he's my buddy. he used to live in town but got too good for us or something so he moved to houston. big whoop. j/k. he's a cool guy. he was one of my bestest buds in town. my drinking buddy. he's alot of fun. we used to run the streets together and cause chaos. kidding, we just ran the streets... no chaos.
we had a good chat with him, shared our good news and drank to celebrate. when i say drank, we DRANK. i love knowing bartenders. our tab was $3.00! i love ryan!

afterwards, we went to the Social. apparently, it was a big draw a couple of years ago. i could understand that. it was a nice looking place, good house music, and it didn't smell. the restrooms even had TOILET PAPER!! saturday, however, not so much of a crowd getter. we had one drink there and we were ready to go home.

sunday - we figured we didn't get enough of Sir Ryan, the bartender... we thot we should visit Sir Ryan, the manager. we went back for brunch. it was ryan's first day as manager. we met sweet cheeks there and had bottomless bloody mary's and some really good food. i had salmon w/cream cheese on a toasted english muffin. HM had this really good crepe w/all kinds of stuff in it. sweet cheeks had some sort of poached eggs, artichokes, hollandaise sauce thing and we all split some french toast.
after brunch, HM and i had narrowed down some houses to look at. why is it that the one house that's always our favorite on paper, turns out to be the worst when we get to it. ugh! from the eight we had narrowed down to, we picked maybe three to go back to. and that's a big maybe. maybe we won't go back. of course, i didn't think we would find our dream home today, but it woulda been nice to see something that WOWED us.
there was one that had a pretty cool backyard. a bit of a drive for both of us. it had a crescent moon pool and a shed in the back, with a garage that HM could build out. all the curtains were closed so we couldn't look into it to see how big the rooms were. it's a pretty old house so updates would be needed. no flooding. that was one that we may go back to. there was another that had a really nice yard and gazebo, but the bedrooms are probably too small and it's too close to main street. same with the third one, big yard but too close to main street. too noisy. we went back to HM's and he was a little depressed. i guess he thot we would fine THE ONE today. we've got plenty of time, tho.

shit. i just looked at the clock and it's already after midnite. i need to get some sleep so i'm signing off now. good nite and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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