Wednesday, February 07, 2007

freeze frame

here's a video that marks my first jaunt into the stop-motion genre of film. in case you didn't know, stop motion is a series of photos that makes a film - the object of your pictures being moved only slightly per frame to produce the effect of motion when the film is played back, per wikipedia.

i've been wanting to do this for a while now and while it's my first one, i'd almost like to say it will be my last. well, at least until i learn some better software. it took me three days to get this all in and it still doesn't sync up at the end. because of the amount of pictures i had pulled in (over 650), it took up a lot of "working" space. therefore, making my pc run really slow. for what would be a two minute fix, took more like 20 minutes every time. ugh.

the subject is HATS. i made it for one of my contacts, Fuzzy Dave, who's always whining about everyone having better hats than him. =)

for fuzzy dave on Vimeo

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