Wednesday, February 21, 2007

because i can

i love Rocky Balboa. i love the story of Rocky. i love the underdog Rocky. i love how much Rocky loved Adrian. i'm not too crazy about the mullet Sylvester Stallone is sporting right now, but i still love Rocky!

we saw Rocky Balboa a couple of weeks ago. it did not disappoint. i'm not saying it was better than (the original) Rocky, or even Rocky III for that matter, but it was good. Rocky went out in style. MUCH BETTER than the crap he tried to pull on us with Rocky V. geesh! seriously, Rocky V was BAD!

in Rocky Balboa, he looks really big (recently explained by steroids he got busted with) with a really square head. kinda like the heads on Easter Island.

so anyways, there were so many things i liked about Rocky Balboa. i like that they brought back "little Marie" and i liked that they didn't have all the "hemming and hawing" between Rocky and Adrian while he was training. and of course i loved the montages! those are my favorite part! i can watch Rocky, Rocky II and Rocky III over and over again just to see the training montage and the part at the end of Rocky III where he jumps in the air after giving Clubber Lane the beat down. the music just adds to it. i love it! i just get happy inside, when i see that. did i also mention, i love the training montages?

i mentioned before about the love Rocky had for Adrian. he was only concerned about Adrian. never about himself. even after he got his arse whipped in Rocky, he was only concerned about Adrian. unless you've seen the movie as many times as i have, i'm sure you missed the last line of the movie. let me set it up for you: he's in the ring, calling for her and she's running up to meet him. going through a ton of people to get there. in the process, she loses her hat. when she gets to Rocky, the first thing he says is not, "i love you" or "ohmigod, did you just see what i did", because it's not ever about him when she's there. all he says is, "where's your hat?". in all that he's just been through, he asks "where's your hat?". because he is only concerned about her. *sigh* that's love.

two things i did not like about Rocky Balboa... the fact that Paulie kept calling him, Rocko. what the hell is that? Rocko? he never called him Rocko before. it was just, Rock. or Rocky. another thing is when Rocky gets knocked down, little Marie is in the crowd and yells out, "get up! get up!". bad move. Adrian did that in Rocky II, while she was sitting at home with Paulie and the kid. that was it. just those two. oh, and the fact that Milo did not have a big enough part.

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