the other nite, i was able to hang with "da gurls". how do you catch up with someone you rarely see, all in the matter of a few hours? sharky came in for a quick layover on her trip to Belize so we went to dinner. Sharky, Lil Bo PeeP, Sweet Cheeks, DD (not a girl), and myself all met out and proceeded to have one of the better girls nite out i've had in a while.
i should also mention that since Sharky has moved to Holland, we've been able to see her, at least, three times this year therefore dubbing 2006 as "The Year of the Shark". it was alot harder coming from Australia. i was never good at geography, so what do i know.
after DD went home, we went back to SC's. i'm not sure what was in the margaritas but for the rest of the nite, we could NOT stop singing "cool rider" from Grease 2. i should also mention LBP and myself knew ALL the lyrics! how gay are we???
it was a good nite. a pleasant nite. one that made me even more appreciative of the great friends i have... even if they do tend to "slip out" every once in a while. i have a few pictures from that nite, but even better, i have more video. video of a cooooooool rider! that will FOR SURE be up next week! why else to have a blog, other than to humiliate your friends?
i don't have those pictures with me right now. i had to transfer and delete so i could get even MORE video of my husband giving me a class on washing machine mechanics 101. for now, here's a picture of 'da gurls' circa 2004, at LBP & DD's wedding.
p.s. May 2008 marks Sharky's return to the states. That has been dubbed, Cinco De Sharky!
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