Monday, July 10, 2006

weekend update/recap

friday - a day like most days... a whole lotta nuttin'. we came home and started mowing the lawn. home ownership....geesh! HM asked if i maybe wanted to go down to the boardwalk, have some drinks and watch the fireworks. i thot that sounded like a good enough time. but when he came in, neither one of us was really motivated. and i kinda wanted to watch the new show on usa network, psych. it was entertaining enough. we went to bed shortly after it was over.

saturday - got up and waited on S1 and the princess to come over. we were picking up my dress and maybe catching a movie. we got the dress, the shoes (for TWELVE DOLLARS!), found the flower girl shoes and a dress for my MOH and BM. we never made it to the movie.

the more i look at the dress we found for the MOH and BM, the more i don't like them. since my dress is now, not as casual as i had envisioned, the dresses look too casual. i'm also having issues with matching up the color. i think maybe i should go for a darker shade of blue and get a regular bridesmaid dress, still reasonably priced (under $150) so that i can match up the guys a little better.

the guys were supposed to wear either guyabera shirts or linen. HM wants them to wear linen but thinks they'll look like the wait staff if they're the pale blue color i was looking at. i'm starting to get frustrated. not at HM. just at wedding decisions in general. dress decisions. color decisions. the fact that both my MOH and BM live out of town and we can't all seem to get our shit together. also at the fact that HM wants the guys to wear WHITE!

after the shopping extravaganza and no movie, we made our way home. when we got there, i saw that sadie got new shoes! my girl got new wheels and tires! pictures to come soon. i want to get some really good ones. the ones i took already were taken at nite, so not so good. she's about three inches higher and harder for the princess to get in.

sunday - we cleaned all day.... we had company coming over for dinner. the place looks good! anyways, our friends, rock star and fedi came over to give us some tips on costa rica. we're thinking of honeymooning there. fedi was actually born and raised in costa rica and served as a tour guide in his younger years, so he knows it pretty well. we trust his judgement.

he told us the best place to go would be a resort type place. he gave us some names and we're going to check into them more. HM said, at this point we'll be honeymooning at S1's. he was kidding. ... i think. =)

until next time, i'm sweet t and you're not.
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1 comment:

Adrienne said...

You might just be spending it "out of town"! Which means if you need a place cheap - just call me! I can get out of town just as easily!