in honor of our friend sharky too tall ride marshall hall coming into town this weekend, today is dedicated to her. she's in from holland on a long weekend "holiday". they don't call it vacation over there. it's holiday.
she'll be here until tuesday so we're trying to jam as much into these few days that we can. tho, all of us still live within about a 40-mile radius of each other (except for sharky), it's been almost two years since we've all been together in the same room. at least two years ago... for lil bo pEEp's wedding!
lil bo pEEp, sharky, sweet cheeks, meshe'll be here until tuesday so we're trying to jam as much into these few days that we can. tho, all of us still live within about a 40-mile radius of each other (except for sharky), it's been almost two years since we've all been together in the same room. at least two years ago... for lil bo pEEp's wedding!
me and sweet cheeks (also my bridesmaid)
lil bo pEEp (my slave in waiting) and me
sharky (my other slave in waiting) and me
i call them my slaves in waiting because sharky said she would be in town the friday nite before the wedding and she would be my errand girl. my beck and call girl, if you will. bo pEEp also offered up her services for this. i am ALL OVER that! they've already heard 'zilla horror stories from sweet cheeks so i'm pretty surprised they offered. =)
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