Thursday, July 13, 2006

f i i i i i r e

sorry you didn't get your video fix on tuesday. blogger was down when i tried to do it. however, at the rate my hectic-scheduled-wedding planning-crazy life is going, i think i'll either give you a video on tuesday OR thursday. cuz, honestly, i sometimes don't post the weekend update until tuesday and then i can't do two posts in one day. that's just overload.

anyways.... this is a video of the princess and the child who eats nothing we cook, during their sleepover a couple of months ago. we were all just kinda hangin' out in the living room when HM got the bright idea to make a fire! my honey... the pyro. no sooner than he said, "fire", the girls' eyes lit up. off to the store we went to get
fixin's for smores. we also had chocolate covered bananas and roasted marshmallows.

when coming back from the store i noticed flames coming over our fence.
the girls had been adding banana tree leaves to "make it go higher" (uhm...christie, don't look at that picture). learning young from uncle HM. we made our smores, had a chocolate fight and had a good time doing it. as you can see from today's daily photo, it was some good stuff! here's the video:

fire on Vimeo

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