Monday, August 29, 2005

weekend update\recap

friday - of course, we all know the "princess story". i will not go over it again. i watched rock and roll high school and turned in early.

saturday - practiced guitar some. fingers HURT. handyman met me at my sisters and we took the princess out to dinner. she still wasn't feeling very good, so it was pretty uneventful. we took her back home and hung out for a while with my sister and brother in law.

sunday - watched miss congeniality 2 and transporter. mc2 was pretty weak. the transporter was not exactly what i expected, but i liked it. this was our day. we ate and napped and talked about stuff we need for the cruise. i practiced guitar for about 20 minutes. next, i need to practice chord progression(?). the changing from one chord to another. i now know A Major and D Major. they don't sound all that great, tho. i always thot i had skinny fingers. apparently, they're not skinny enough to not hit the next string. it looks so easy on the damn video. when i press on the strings, i look like i have a dragon claw....pretty deformed. it's hard to keep them pressed to hear what you're supposed to. any tips would be appreciated...DAD!

i feel bad that we didn't see billy and loi but we fell asleep while we were talking about going to see them. when we woke up, neither one of us wanted to leave the a/c. i know... weak.

good nite and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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