Friday, August 26, 2005

killing me softly

geez-uz!! my sister is killing me! first the princess was spending the nite then she's not, then she is and now she's NOT again. first it was a soccer tournament and softball practice. then, the tournament got cancelled but she still had practice. then, practice got cancelled so she was able to spend the nite again.

today, i get an email and she tells me that practice is on again... at 8:30AM, tomorrow morning. so, no spending the nite and no shopping. ugh! we're postponing. rain delay, if you will.

my nite is free now. i wanna say that i'll do some laundry and pick up a bit but i already know that probably won't happen. when i wake up from my nap, i'll pick up the guitar and practice some. maybe put in
foxes. very old school movie but me and my sister used to really dig it. we also dug roller boogie and skatetown usa (both very cheesy-campy low budget skate films of '79), if that tells you anything. i.was.NINE.people! i also have rock and roll high school, again from '79. it made the ramones mainstream and pj soles nowhere to be seen until stripes. or at least nowhere i was looking.

p.s. wish me luck on building up the callouses.

UPDATE: not FIVE minutes into my nap... the princess calls. she tells me she's decided not to go to practice in the morning. she says, "because she's been sick *cough cough*". now, i really have to pick up the place and no guitar. foxes or rock and roll high school, either.

2ND UPDATE: my niece just called. i knew she was sick the other nite so she wasn't entirely faking the get out of practice thing. but now, she just calls me AGAIN and tells me she's not spending the nite...her chest hurts. her mom says she started complaining about it and she gave her some meds. she told her that she wouldn't be able to spend the nite if she was still sick. apparently, it's for real, cuz she was okay with it.
she couldn't tell me this BEFORE i cleaned up and put a bra on?!?!?!?

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