Monday, June 09, 2008

weekend update/recap

visitors in this weekend, yaaayyyy!!!

friday - picked Addie up from intercontinental... AN HOUR after she was supposed to get here! we dropped by to see the boys but we were on a mission. a mission to get to Ninfa's. after dinner and a margarita, we were pretty much useless and passed out when we got home.

saturday - i have the best husband EVER!! not only did he clean the kitchen on friday, but he made coffee for the next morning, too. sure he did it for himself, thinking he would drink it, but Addie and i appreciated it just as well.

David drove in and we went to NASA. so glad we only paid half price for those tickets. shaddup S1. it was still a good time. it just seems that it's turned into a giant playground for kids with the museum shoved to the waaaayyy back. not even kidding.

saturday evening - after catching bait for HM and BA(!), i showed Addie and David our "beach". yeah, we have a beach about two miles from the house. like, with sand and everything! we hung out there for a bit then went on to The Bullet... now, an 'Addie and David visit' tradition. i really wanted to video the ride. we got the front car and everything. busted. the kid wouldn't let me take my camera. in hindsight, i think he probably knew best. good lord that thing knocks you around! i think David might have cracked a rib (no thanks to Addie) and i know my thighs are completely bruised. if i gain any more weight, no more bullet for me. good god man those seats are small!

sunday - Addie and David took off to see Sweeney Todd, i got all my crap together to get started on the tube bracelets. Woz came over to help me figure some stuff out with the snaps. i think it would be much easier and i could probably get more done if i could figure out the snaps and not have to bother with chain. plus, chain ain't cheap and i really like to use it for beading and shrinky dinking.

hours later, she figured it out. apparently the snaps i originally wanted to use are too big. had to go to smaller ones. once you get it figured out, it's pretty easy! i hate the "learning curve". real life should really be more like The Matrix if only in the way that when you need some info someone can just download it into your brain,

me: Tank, I need you to download the manual for putting snaps on rubber, stat!
Tank: [typing furiously] done.
Tank: so what else do you need? besides a miracle.
me: skills. lots of skills.

that would be awesome!

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