the setting is a rainy saturday-early evening. all is well. BA and i are hangin' out, making jewelry (yeah he was), playing with the Dremel, waiting on his brother and family (sister in law and sister in law's sister).
the boys (Ringo & Rosco) are fine. they're being lazy, putting around the house.
the family arrives.
Ringo & Rosco: PEOPLE ARE HERE!! look at me! look at me! pick me! pet me!
Rosco to Ringo: get back! i was here first.
Ringo: you get back. i'm a brat. i can do whatever i want.
Rosco: i'm bigger
Ringo: i'm cuter
Rosco: oh yeah?
Ringo: pa-shuh...yeah!
they're climbing all over these people. at this point, we put them outside. once outside it continues:
Rosco: oh great! now, look what you did
Ringo: whatever, you started it
Rosco: oh no you dih-int!
Ringo: oh yes i dih-id!
Rosco: bring it!
Ringo: oh! it's been brought-ed!
$650 later, we leave the emergency vet clinic with...
Ringo's got little pet syndrome (always has something to prove), where as Rosco has aggression issues (needs anger management). they've always fought, but it's really gotten worse since Henry-dog passed. they're both fighting to be the alpha-male.
Rosco is in surgery today. one, for a tumor removal found at his last checkup. second, for the neutering. thirdly, to check on his eye. apparently, that's the only place Ringo can reach, to get his hits in. we'll take Franken-Dog in for his neutering, after he recovers.
i REALLY hope the neutering helps and it's not too late. they honestly do get along. i just think they're both suffering right now and acting out. HM mentioned "permanent separation", but how do you do that? how do you just "get rid" of your dog after so many years with him? i can't do that and i won't make him do it. that's like having two kids that fight all the time. what are you gonna do... get rid of one of your kids??? ship one off to boarding school? (hmm, keep that note for later).
soooo, wish us luck. cuz, we're definitely gonna need it!
yikes, looks like Roscoe tried to take his head off!
i think he was trying to.
Aww..poor puppy dawg...
You need a cat to throw in the mix. ;)
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