Thursday, January 04, 2007

canned laughter

Princess and Addie have formed a new relationship in the last year or so. they share a room in our house, although Addie really had no say in the lime green\hot pink theme. i think she likes it, tho.

anyhoo, when Addie comes to visit, she also likes to visit with the princess. so we called to have her come over for a sleepover and maybe a movie. well, after waiting ALL DAY for her mom to drop her off, there wasn't time for the movie but we still took her grocery shopping with us and subjected her to showtunes. tunes from Annie, Cats, Rent, etc. Seasons of Love, from Rent, being the one i really belted out. Princess asked what showtunes were and what Rent was about. i told her we would take her to see it when she's 16. so, uhm, remind me in seven years, would ya?

being in the musical frame of mind when we got home, we went up to their room so we could listen to records. yes, records. she was actually pretty excited when i told her we put a "record player" in the room. you see, S1 got her not one, but TWO Kelly Clarkson records. two. that was pretty much the best song we had in the room so it got a lot of play. that and the fact that we were too lazy to go into the media room to get more. here is the outcome of that record and me being a video freak.

since u been gone on Vimeo

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