Tuesday, September 09, 2008

monthly update/recap

there's been lots going on. trip to San Antonio, hung out with Tony & Goldie & Aaron. Art Walk was a bust... don't ask. i had to put together a retirement video for my old boss. it was a hit. HM's birthday, we had a happy hour bday party for him. Albert's birthday party. we've been busy. and we're going to New Orleans next weekend with six other people to celebrate our anniversary. October's shaping up to be pretty busy, too.

next month, well really, starting now, i'm having to get together another video/slideshow for my grandma's 76th birthday party. that's gonna be rough. i only have three weeks to complete it. we're doin' it up Vegas Style. good lord, you should have seen Mom and Aunt Linda going nuts in Arnie's.

after that, there's the girls' weekend at the shack then HALLOWEEN!!!! muahahahaha! and with Halloween, comes Halloween cookies and cupcakes, right? can't wait!!

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