Wednesday, August 01, 2007

poor Sadie

my poor girl is back in the shop. this time for the brakes. i don't know what happened.. she was fine in the morning but after work, i had to press the brake pedal all the way to the floor just to slow down. scary.

by the time i reached the end of the seawall, the brake light had come on. i had to turn her around and take her to the shop. thus, having me start making phone calls for rides to get me home. HM said he would come get me, but i know he really didn't want to.

i called S1 first. after some attitude and giving me flack about "you're helping me cook", she agreed to come get me. she was at the grocery store when i called and had to go home first. on S1 time, that usually means, "i'll be there in a couple of hours". so, i called another friend... Sushi1. Sushi1 was out having margaritas at happy hour. i told her to suck it down so she could take me home. AN HOUR LATER, and after i made friends with all the crackheads at the shop, she finally came to get me. ha, and i thot S1 was slow! ;)

i had asked her just to take me halfway if she could and get me to S1's house. HM would come get me from there or S1 would take me the rest of the way (how sweet, she offered). Sushi1 wouldn't hear of it. she took me all the way home. that's 45 minutes one way! i would expect S1 to do it (while bitching the whole time about how i need a new car, blah, blah, blah) but i wouldn't really expect anyone else to, unless they were on their way, that way, or something. some people are good people. the people you don't really expect to be good, sometimes surprise you. Sushi1 was a bit of a surprise.

so Sadie's in the shop. i'm waiting to hear what the damage is. we really need to win the lotto. i guess i really do need a new car. =(


Veronica said...

ya think...

Adrienne said...

I agree with your S1 - you need a new car. And get a convertible this time. Something with better A/C options. Oh, and brakes. And maybe transmission fluids that don't leak. And doesn't need an overhaul.

Sweet T said...

she's a JEEP... how much more of a convertible would you like???