friday - Nana was ready to hand him off as soon as i got to her place to pick him up. i told you he was getting stubborn about his naps! then off we went to pick up a twin bed from S1. we now have an extra bed in Monkey's room. this will work out well for when he starts sleeping in his crib. i can stay in there with him if i want and the grandmother's can stay in there when they sleep over, too.
we didn't do much when we got home. he was hungry and then went down for the nite. my little Monkey's so sweet.
saturday - we made an attempt to go shopping. yeah, that didn't work out so well. as soon as the basket stopped moving, he started with the crankiness. i had enough time to try on a bathing suit, trunks and two more things that didn't fit. i hate being in between sizes. the bathing suit actually did fit, so now i have something to wear to the beach in a couple of weeks. yay! i'm so looking forward to that. it'll be Monkey's first trip to the beach. i hope he loves it as much as i do.
saturday evening - HM and Uncle Topher took over Monkey duty so i could get some real shopping done. a mother's day shopping trip, if you will. i got a couple of things for work. it feels nice to not wear maternity jeans every day. it feels even better to get back into pre-pregnancy clothes! ahhhhhhhh...
sunday - my first Mother's Day rocked! Monkey got me a new charm (a baby bottle) with his name and birth year on it. he also got me flowers and cards. i'm going to James Avery today to get the charm put on. we had turkey burgers for our moms. Nana and Grammalane both made it over. it was kinda funny watching them both "fight" over grandbaby time.
i got myself something for Mother's Day, too (besides the clothes). it hasn't come in yet. i'll post a picture of it when it does.
until next time, i'm sweet t and you're not.
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