Wednesday, March 26, 2008

make your own mix-tape, ONLINE! i'm super excited about this website. instead of zipping files and emailing, you can just upload and give out the link. one of the vimeo peeps created it and tumbl'd it yesterday. in 4.5 hours, the site had 2000 users and 4000 songs. in 24 hours this site has generated 8,685 users / 19,731 songs / 35,000 visits. how awesome is that? seriously? things like this make me even more excited to go to NYC in June, to meet all these super creative people.
click on the picture or go here to see other muxtapes. look at me, i'm on the front page...wheeeee! top row, even. =)
some things to know about the site. 3-line sign up: username, password, email. that's it. also, when listening to a muxtape, switch between tracks with the left and right arrow keys, and use ‘return’ to pause and play. songs will advance from track to track in a loop by default.
here's mine if you wanna listen:

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

my co-worker Rob's is robgregg.